

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Beginning

Everyone has something they love. Whether it be a television show, a book, a movie, or a quote, we all have one. This was one of the topics we spoke about today in my first Communications class of the semester. As soon as my professor posed the question, "What is your favorite television show," my mind immediately flew to One Tree Hill. I could sit here and write for hours about the numerous reasons this show is so near and dear to my heart, but I won't do that. The purpose of this post is not to ramble on about my love for this show, it is to begin my blog. My professor challenged us to write down about ten favorites we have in media, with the intent of returning to this post at a later time to see if they changed. I can tell you this right now though - my favorite television show will not change! I don't see it changing for a LONG time! 

Before I go into an endless ramble that no one honestly cares about, I am going to get to the heart of this post and list my favorites! Here we go....
1. One Tree Hill (As if you didn't learn that already!)             
2. Vampire Diaries     
3. Criminal Minds   
4. Grey's Anatomy                                                               
5. A Walk to Remember                                                             
6. John Tucker Must Die                                                             
7. A Cinderella Story                                                                  
8. Picture of Dorian Gray                                                            
9. Dear John   (book)                                                                             
10. Kite Runner                                                                              

So there's my list - well some of it at least. I definitely plan on looking back in a few months, maybe even a few years if I remember, to see if any of these favorites have changed. Advances and changes in media and technology are going to impact and transform my opinions. I know some of these are going to change, but I can honestly see a few forever remaining on this list. 

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